This collection explores and presents some of the objects we hold dear to ourselves for their design and stories.
Objects are powerful. They produce culture. They create or transform our behaviors. We explore our history through them. They help us understand who we were, who we are, and who we may become. They stimulate our feelings. They bring out memories. They make us happy, unhappy, confident, insecure, safe, comfortable. Creating an object is a journey. It is a learning. It is an experience which transforms us. We appreciate objects. An object is a design and we appreciate design. In the collection “Objects of Affection” we explore and present some of the objects we hold dear to ourselves for their design and stories.
In this collection we collaborated with designer Maja Østergaard for the illustration of four special objects. Concept development and art direction was done by Hamide.

The Shirt
“Objects of Affection: Shirt” is an illustration of a vintage handmade shirt by our honorary founder and mother Hamide. She made this shirt for herself, we are guessing when she was in her twenties based on some photographs and family history. She passed it on to Şeyda when she was in her early twenties.
It is available as print and postcard.

The Jacket
“Objects of Affection: Jacket” is an illustration of a vintage jacket by Zeki Triko, an established brand in Turkey. However, it is one of the earliest pieces of this brand. Even though we don’t know the date of production, it is probably from 50 years ago. It was given as a present to Şeyda, our art director, by one of our family friends, who thought that now it was time for a new young adult to wear it.

The Scarf
“Objects of Affection: Scarf” is an illustration of a hand-knit scarf by our honorary founder and mother Hamide, which was a present to our father Metin when they were engaged. So, we are guessing that it could be 1978.

The Gloves
“Objects of Affection: Gloves” is an illustration of a pair of hand-knit gloves that Şeyda bought on the street in Istanbul Turkey from a woman who sits and knits on the street in winter. She is selling them for such low prices that it is almost like she is giving them away. Şeyda was amazed by the craftsmanship, pattern, and color combination. At the time she thought “wow, it can’t get more local than this”.
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We created the framed scenes by editing the frame mock-ups created by Cosmo Studio.