Hamide Turns 5!
On the 19th of December 2017, we celebrated Hamide Design Studio´s 5th birthday. Even though we started working on the project i guess in 2010 and launched our first collection in 2011 fall, we registered the company in Copenhagen in 2012, which is a very significant date for us. It made it official that we realized our dream.
We moved to Copenhagen in 2011 fall with this dream; launching Hamide brand and the design studio, making a living and reaching success in a comprehensive way, changing things, changing lives starting with our own, making our mother Hamide Yanc Ozcetin happy.
During these years we worked a lot and tried so hard to stay strong. Was not easy. We are really happy and proud today but sad at the same time because Hamide Yanc Ozcetin is not here any longer. Moreover we are sad because immigration office and some people cannot accept our success and acknowledge our value despite all.
Our work and business cannot survive without the audience. We would like to thank to all of you; our audience, clients, customers, retailers especially the ones that we started out with and kept our relations, Copenhagen, our mother, past, present and future.
We will continue to stimulate as a humanist, feminist, environmentalist, immigrant and local design studio. Do not forget; design is so powerful.
Happy birthday to us and happy holidays to you all!
Love from Hamide!